Because (&rest args) isn't particularly helpful.
cl-pdf.arglists is a simple little library to improve the arglist display of cl-pdf and cl-typesetting macros in, for example, slime. It adds display of keywords from methods on #'initialize-instance, as well as object initargs, to macros which just forward a &rest argument to make-instance.
No more wondering what keyword arguments are appropriate in each macro or perusing the source in an attempt to find out.
Now if only cl-pdf and cl-typesetting had actual documentation. :)
It is available on github.
Load via ASDF. Enjoy the more useful arglists.
cl-pdf.arglists currently only provides nicer arglists for SBCL and Clisp. Patches for other implementations are welcome. (see #p"arglists.lisp")
Also see for additional improvement ideas.
My e-mail address is Questions, comments, patches, and beratings are all welcome.